Stochastic hydrogeology

The research group of Philippe Renard at CHYN is developing several tools in the field of Stochastic Hydrogeology, but other useful tools are also available.

The most important softwares are the following:

DeeSse - is the new generation of multiple-point statistics software. Its is based on the Direct Sampling approach and allows to simulate continuous and multiple variables. It is  available as a plugin within the Industry standard platform Petrel. As for Impala, DeeSse is developed in closed partnership with Ephesia Consult SA.

The github pages of the group: randlab and  UniNe-CHYN. There you can find different recent developments such as a plugin for speleogenesis simulations in Feflow, a python library for manipulating very large data files, etc.

hytool - is an open-source well test interpretation matlab toolbox.
GinGER - is an interactive tool for the inversion of gravity measurements and for the estimation of porosity of deep geothermal structures. It was developed by Pierrick Altwegg for his PhD thesis. The code is not open source, it belongs to the University of Neuchâtel and RBR geophysics.

Impala - a professional multiple-point statistics software based on a list approach. This software is available in several commercial packages such as Isatis, Jewel Suite,  and Gocad. It is developped in close relation with Ephesia Consult SA.

John Doherty provides the software package PEST free of charge. The PEST software package automates the calibration and calibration-constrained uncertainty analysis of any numerical model. It interacts with a model through the model's own input and output files. While estimating or adjusting its parameters, it runs a model many times. These model runs can be performed either in series or in parallel. PEST records the results in easy-to-understand output files.

Letzte Änderung: 20.01.2022